Monday, June 2, 2008

YM Blog-a-Thon: Learning about Money

Once in a blue moon my mother will throw out the term ‘money sucker.' It's her derogatory label of those people who are all about the benjamins, baby. I don't hear her rant about the money makers very often these days, but growing up she used to say it all the time. I remember these personalities in her life like zombies chasing dollar after vacuous dollar, bereft of virtue or worthwhile purpose. It instilled in me a distaste and discomfort with money and its zombifying properties, even as my mother's opinions about money began to change.

It's probably relevant that we were a lot poorer then. By the time I was in middle school she'd bought her first home, and the rants took a significant drop. We settled in a nice city with a good school, and I noticed my mother's attitude about money had changed from something negative to something positive.

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