Sunday, May 25, 2008

Be loving, not legalistic, with divorcing prof

Sigh. It would be so refreshing to pick up the newspaper and see a story about my alma mater on the front page that didn't make me cringe.

There are many great things going on at Wheaton College all the time. For instance, a senior and defensive end on the Thunder football team, Andy Studebaker, on Sunday became the first Wheaton player ever taken in the NFL draft. He's heading to the Philadelphia Eagles.

But the story that made Monday's front page was about Kent Gramm, a professor for 20 years in Wheaton's English department, who has lost his job because his 30-year marriage is ending in divorce.

More specifically, Gramm resigned (rather than be fired) after he declined to discuss the details of his divorce with Wheaton administration. While divorce is not automatic ground for dismissal, school policy requires the divorce to fall within acceptable parameters, based on Scripture, i.e., adultery, abandonment and the like.

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