Friday, March 7, 2008

Local resident Cathleen Elmer becomes author at 90

Nannette Kilbey-Smith 06.FEB.08
FLORESVILLE � It�s a long way � in distance and culture � from the home of her youth, but Cathleen Burns Elmer has settled into life here in the same way she�s faced other changes in her life: with a positive attitude and an indomitable spirit. And at the grand age of �just 90,� Cathleen is, quite literally, opening a new chapter in her life: She�s just published her first novel.

�It�s not my first novel,� Cathleen said. �It�s just the first one that�s been published!�

A native of Andover, Mass., and the product of a conventional Catholic family upbringing, she has always been interested in words.

�I�ve been writing almost since I was born,� Cathleen said recently.

She confesses to writing and illustrating stories behind the pages of her Sadler�s Graded Geography book.

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