Sunday, May 11, 2008

Letters published in the Times

Having the ability to keep paying to fight in order to satisfy his I-am-always-right attitude (Cook) and that of his followers -- priceless -- since the taxpayers are picking up the tab.

When will the taxpayers of El Paso see that this is not about Asarco, this is about individuals who want change based on what they want and how they view their city (not ours).

You don't penalize a business for following the rules, all the while saying you want to draw new business here.

Asarco now, Western Refinery next, maybe Helen of Troy É followed by whatever other industry the mayor and his cohorts choose as their target.

Benjamin Franklin once said, "Embrace your critics for they point out your faults."

We are not perfect, Mr. Mayor, but just because you were elected mayor by a small margin of voters does not make you perfect.

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