Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fresh thinking needed on drink and drugs problems, says community worker

CHANGING attitudes towards drink and drug addiction can only be achieved through shifting cultural norms, executives were told yesterday.

At a meeting of Cardiff Breakfast Club, Western Mail Welsh Woman of the Year Rhoda Emlyn-Jones said tackling legal and illegal drugs misuse needed new direction from the Government.

Ms Emlyn-Jones said all parts of society needed to revise the way they think about drugs if the problems associated with them are to be resolved – and that includes alcohol, as well as stigmatised illegal narcotics.

The model-turned-community activist was crowned 2008 Welsh Woman of the Year and is the service manager of Cardiff and the Vale Alcohol and Drug teams.

She has previously described alcohol as the nation's "favourite drug", calling for a change in the way people are first introduced to drinking.

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