Monday, May 5, 2008

Family can lessen brother's isolation

Dear Carolyn: Brother has been married for 15 years. Two kids. Sister-in-law has all control -- brother's and kids' schedules, (over)spending, etc. Her often-heinous attitude has all members of her family and his, who support this family however possible, in various levels of exasperation. He has completely abandoned autonomy because it causes even more grief from her. What can he do to change the situation? He won't consider breaking the family because of the kids. -- Sad but TrueSad but true: From your (admittedly scant) description, the wife sounds like an abuser. If so, then your brother might not be doing his kids any favors.It also means the families' sideline exasperation, while common, isn't their only recourse; they can get educated. The nonprofit Peace at Home is now defunct, but no one yet has improved on its handbook (particularly for male victims), still available at

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